Archive for the ‘lca2007’ Category

We’re back at school!

January 24, 2007

24 hours of traveling later, we are back at Oregon State. The conference was amazing. We have a lot of thanking todo, but in the mean time here is a video of a speech we gave at the closing session of LCA2007. Thanks again to everyone that helped us have an experience of a lifetime!!

Couple more demos

January 19, 2007

Here are some demos found during the LCA2007 open day.

A weird segway robot thing…

And some image detection found using a webcam.

polvi: FOSS and the law

January 17, 2007

I just attended a really great talk by Kimberlee Weatherall regarding digital copyright law. It was great to hear about (oz)DMCA from an actual lawyer! I think that law needs more geeks…

OLPC demo

January 15, 2007

Justin and Mike demo the OLPC….

Welcome to LCA 2007!

January 15, 2007

LCA Welcoming address
We made it to the conference! Jeff Waugh gave the welcome and here is a photo to prove it! Philips and Burns will be at the DPL talk, Jirwin at the GNOME welcome, and Polvi is on the Education track. Cheers!